ccn day. centis bbq.
sorry for not updating!! =X either too lazy or busy to do so. LOL! okay.. here i go..
today 26 may 2006. CCN day and Centis BBQ at Tropica. went back to TP, on the intention to print notes and hoping to do abit on my project. with Emi. but i didnt touch my projects at all. spent my time 'shopping' in TP and printing notes! hahas!
it is sooo crowded! make me mish last year CCN day when my class did the ice-cream shake!! bought things from friends. and wah! the super sweet candy floss... yummy.. but abit too sweet ah! LOL! then bought a hp keychain as well. Emi bought it too!! it caught our attention and we just buy it, then later realise that it is the class of the 'ahem' freshie one!! the one that they tease me liking him.. with the cheer of " white shirt orange words, jeanie wants your number.. " wah!! so paiseh when see him! so fake like i dunno him ah... LOL!
met alot of my friends as well.. Aww... i mish you guys! =)) had muslim food as my lunch. the best muslim store in tp, in the design school!! =)) yummy!! then went to student lounge on the intention abt the s2006 event thingy, then finds it weird that how come the student lounge is closed for Service Ambassadors interview. Then, i blur. thought that the s2006 thingy is cancelled or change of event.. afterwards, then alvin told me it is opposite the student lounge! not in the student lounge!! aiyah! but i gave up going back there again.
Yah.. back to the Service Ambassadors(SA).. saw Yeeping and so followed her into the Student lounge.. and then.... went for SA interview.. quite some time since i gg for interview liao.. so like my answers abit weird.. like keep using the same words here and there.. argh! and kinda feel weird when mr neo is sitting there listening when questions regarding his class(he teaches me Service Methodology) are being fired.. wah! i was so frank that i said that the theory part of it is boring!! =X oops! later kanna target board by mr neo for Service Methodology class lerh. =X die!
then slack in the lab, instead of doing projects.. and then.. went to meet my freshies to buy drinks for the BBQ at Tropica(besides TP)!! went to school opposite and bought drinks. halfway thru, the caterer called and say that he's reaching Tropica soon!! wah! then i left them and ran to Tropica!! from school opposite to Tropica is like damn far loh!! tiring sia.. then realised that i didnt have enuff money to give the caterer cos i gave $50 for the drinks. and i am short of like $50plus. then i got paranoid and called up stanford who dont have much money with him and sarah didnt pick up the phone... then i got more nervous.. cos the nearest atm is either TP or the school opposite where i came from... wah! then luckily sarah called back and she got enuff money to lend me first!! phew! thanks sarah!! and yah.. thanks for the contribution of many items!!!! =))
then later another problem surfaced.. the anti-smoke charcoal that i bought from the caterer wasnt able to burn well!! difficult to set up!! =X so smart of me to order that, thinking that it is good, yet it turns out... stupid ah me!! then the bbq was delayed due to that... i'm sorry about it!! thanks people who set up the bbq fire.. and stanford friend, who booked the pit for us!! really thanks so much!! and many other people who help me as well!! =)) many thanks!! and yah.. another problem again, was that i thought that there was a shortage of money to pay the bbq event. which is kinda disappointing. but luckily when i calculated everything, it was just nice!! though there are food leftovers.. and yah.. thanks for those who brought back the food.. if not, it would be of waste...
and over there, got kittens!! so cute!! tat ming started feeding them... ah!!! so cute sia.. it reminds me of me and serena together in the primary/secondary school days.. where we go elias mall and feed the kittens and cats!! awww!! i mish those days. LOL! then bbq i was kept been chase away from the pit... argh! let me bbq lah.. thats my fav. job leh!! esp taking care of the chicken wings!! =)) hahas! and thats about it lah! lastly, thanks to people who assist me and people to came for this event.. w/o you guys, it wouldnt be a success! =))
and yah.. these days i have been in rather a bad temper.. for rushing projects and stuff.. and i would like to sincerely apologise to those people whom i kinda show my temper to.. I am really sorry!! Pardon me for my rudeness. =)) and thanks for tolerating me!!
emm.. been quite noticing a guy in tas.. whom i didnt know there's such a person in htm.. perhaps due to the way he protray himself which makes me notice him.. well, it makes me interested to know him better.. emm... but lazy to do so.. hahas!
and yah.. i am back to timberland to help them during the sales season.. though didnt really wanted to.. but the thought of going back there means that i can work with yani and devon and naz.. ah!! i seriously mish them.. whenever i go back there, i am so sway that i hardly got a chance to meet them.. either they are having break, or they off work already or it's their off day. so it is a good chance to interact with them again!! =)) emm.. first day of work.. had a chance to lean on devon's shoulders.. awww!! it is still the best shoulders i ever lean on.. the care that shown is still the same.. like 'holding' my head when the taxi turns.. cos like if not, my head will kinda 'fall off' then will disturb my sleep.. ahh!! so considerate right? emm... i think devon is my ideal partner!! well, provided that the things she say is true lah! which i believed.. LOL! i mish devon! =)) muacks*
and emm.. hope my friends around would be happy. and things will go well for them. i dont wish to see them sad.. it really hurts to see them sad. troubled. or even cry.. it pains my heart.. though i cant help much, but i still can give moral support. =)) rmb, i can be there if you need me. just a word, and i will try my very best to be there. take care.. * and heard one of the old songs titled ai de dai jia.. the price of love.. which i think is very meaningful.. very true.. i like it, though it is quite a sad song =))
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