lame things
funny thing #1
my basics of entreprenuership(BOE) teacher was telling us about how to go about doing the proposal. like what is essential in the proposal.. then he like very concern about the figures.. must have figures.. profits and loss.. blah blah.. then he started say: " show me.. show me!! (the figures he meant) " then... make me think of.. when working in timberland, we always refer the indian customers (sorry if ya feel offended, it jus meant to be a joke) as 'SM'.. reason being, : SM = Show Me~ .. (the indian customers mostly goes.. show me show me..) hahas! So linking both of them together... BOE teacher = Indian customer? =X oops!
funny thing #2
on sunday, while working... then sort of overhear a middle-age couple talk while walking past the shop.. the woman was looking at our promotion board and saying: " eh.. tim-bo-land got sales leh... " i was like O.O!! huh? tim-bo-land? excuse me.. is timberland. not tim-bo-land loh!! LOL!!
funny thing #3
Jamie(a part-time staff also) had a customer.. wah! funny loh.. the customer ask her: " excuse me.. do you have "the-nen"(pronounciation of 'the' and 'nen') shirt? " then jamie was like.. : " beg your pardon.." the customer repeat the question.. then jamie was still blur.. what is 'the-nen' shirt? linen shirt she meant? then the customer got frustrated and told her : " 'the-nen'... the jeans... " jamie: " oh... denim you mean?? " LOL!! denim = 'the-nen' No link!!! LOL!
well, you may not find it funny bah. but at least to me, it is. LOL! and ya.. been like seeing a guy that i didnt know anything about his existance last year.. well, perhaps the name only.. the way he protray himself.. maybe is the dressing.. sort of like attract attention.. today he protrayed a boy-ish image.. while normally, a cool one.. LOL!
went down to the new foodcourt in palawan beach.. abit exp. but things in sentosa is not cheap at all what.. LOL! me and sri had our tau suan there! taste normal.. haha. but air-con not bad.. view is pretty good i think..
projects and projects.. seems that i didnt do anything right in my project!! argh!!! how? deadline : 2june!
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