exams over! finally its over. *phew* the macrecons paper wasnt hard, but aint very simple as well. what surprises me is that the paper came out quite alot of the first few chapters rather than the last few. anyway, its over. just pray hard that i can get good results. hopefully can hit 3.0 GPA. *pray hard* keke!
we played bball after exams. so fun!! though abit tiring.. then some of us, namely shulay, amy, beeyan and sengkwang went ktv-ing with wesley, keagan and silin.. not sure if it is spelt the correct way anot.. oops* while jan and her boi went out. huishan went to meet her boi while jason went for his rehersals for teens search!!
took bus to katong shopping complex. or centre.. dunno ah.. but gg to there de ktv. wah! long way.. but we 5 crap alot in the bus.. then we ate the minced meat store. then amy spotted ah gong there. LOL! emm.. dunno his name. just call him ahgong! lols` i dont really enjoy my meal. then we all finished and left for the ktv. arrived and realised wah! it is really damn small wor!! but we all sang happily inside right? lols!
wanted to extend the hours, but it was booked already. so we all left at 11pm. took bus with keagan cos he staying in pasir ris mahs. lucky still got feeder service bus to get home if not got to walk back.. *phew* got home and chiong my dearly missed dvds! lols` the charm beneath.. keke!! chiong all the way till 7am in the morning before i go to bed.. yawns*
then woke up at 12.40pm like that. and i am supposed to meet baobei shirley and my clique at 2pm at Plaza Singapura!! sure late de loh! jialat. LOL! then rushed down.. and met them.. and we watched Jason with other contestants standing there.. wooh!! we support u jason. LOL! kaiming was wah! shuai ah. lols` shan almost drools.. *oops* haha! just kidding. poor baobei havent eat for the whole day. so after that, we went to pastamania and pei her eat.. then later janice and her boi finally reached!! we walked around Plaza Sing and walk down to orchard..
of course got pass by centrepoint. went in and find my ex-colleagues!! keke~ so happie to see them. so long nvr see them lerh! mish them so much. keke! and later we walked to cineleisure then go heeren.. then all the way to far east plaza.. wah! tired from walking.. lol. had our dinner there. yuppie! i like huishan's curry chicken! lols~ then walk a while more then we left lerh!!
stupid jason ah!! bluff me so many things. liews~ i dun care. i want to say out!! hurhur!! make me sad and cry.. lols~ he did went for micrecon paper loh! which he told me he didnt as he overslept.. i actually believed him.. duhs!! okay. i am stupid. naive. hurhur. dont believe u lerh.. lols! hahas~ another thing he bluff me also. something big.. u guess what is it? lols! anyway, even if it is true anot, sorry that i 'said' it out. dui bu qi..
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