x-.]] i wwishh uupon a lil' starr.. wwhichh wwill nvrr cumm truee~~ [[.x-

story of a little girl's life and her feelings.

Monday, June 19, 2006

three days

16june, friday. woke up late. very late. at about 2pm. then slack at home before preparing to go out. go where? SCHOOL! lols` well, i wasnt motivated to do worka t home. thus, force myself to go school to complete my BESE compilation. well, actually i have already compiled it. jus that we are exceeding the word limit! pengs! find ways to cut here and there, but she bu de. like feel that each information is as impt to me. LOL!

so went to school at about 5pm. went to POST to check for my missing top. but seems like they are unable to trace it.. saded! first time item lost in mail. sighs- there goes my top. my $17 bucks. hahas~ abit sian ah! cos like i quite like that top de loh. but.. no choice. no fate!! argh! then later go school alone and do my work. had my first meal of the day first. =)) at biz park. met jean, my h10 classmate. she was in school for table tennis. healthy lifestyle ah!! keke! then later i was spotted by sean. my since sec sch classmate, who happens to be in the same foc grp as me. =)) he was with a girl. then later was talking to him.. kinda spotted a ring on his hand. and the ger he was with seems like wearing the same ring.. are you two together?!?!?! i have yet to ask. =p hee.

then went to comp lab. see no one familiar.. then soon later my lab is left with me. and then.. the whole comp labs.. left with only a few people. like at most 5? LOL! not inclusive of the maintence staff lah! with the staff, think also less then 10 loh. well, so it is like quite cold... =X i am almost done with BESE! =)) well, actually i was pekchek there trying hard to cut as much words as i can.. sian! what a life. then later left tp and went to bus-stop to wait for bus15. while waiting, saw joanna. hahas! chat with her awhile then her bus came and she left.

as i browse thru' people at the bus-stop. EH! i saw someone familiar.. AHH!! adeline! LOL. jus now nvr see loh. she was all along there with her bball friends. so decide to disturb her, gave her a call. and like asking.. oh.. so your bball training today huh.. then later confessed to her that i saw her. and she was looking ard. haha! i was behind her! =)) hee. then later join her sit and took the bus with her bball friends as well. all take bus15 mahs. then later happens that one of her bball fren, stephanie taking same bus as me. haha! had a lil' chat with her while waiting for bus and on bus. LOL! nice chat with her. keke! =)) she happens to be in the same course as some of my secondary mates. so like start questioning her whether if she know who and who.. blah.. hahas! =))

reached home and i forgot what i did! lols` watch vcd is one. then.. i forgot the rest. had a quite early sleep also. cos the next day working mahs. =))

17june, saturday. was supposed to help yani to take shoe from raffles city. emm.. i was late!! work up late. then later reached raffles city and took the shoe from marcus. wah! he rebond his hair. aiseh! like no bad sia. tease him for not washing his hair. cos he jus did the rebonding the day before. so like cant wash. LOL! abit sian, didnt see devon. hahas! she afternoon shift mahs. then later back to centrepoint shop.

didnt know that jari wanted something from raffles city. =X and she didnt know i was there. =X oops. then later work work. then devon came down!! to get some shoe. but like cos i am serving customer, so didnt see her for long. only a short while. then later she came again!! to take shoe again. emm.. then was like all of us keep telling her to like stay longer.. dont go back to raffles city. hahas! then later she left. this time round, at least say good-bye to me. LOL!

nothing interesting happen at the shop bah. i cant really rmb. emm.. then later after work, went supper with jari and devon(coming down from raffles city).. me and jari waited quite long for her. until i finish eating my food loh!! lols` then like well, cos something cropped up at raffles city ah. then like devon not in very good mood.. then later she explain here and there. hahas! kinda funny aso.. cos she get angry mahs.. then like abit fierce to people around her. =X hahas! then like people dont dare near her. then she like " i got so fierce/scary meh. " hahas!

and yah.. while eating there. then later devon say smthg like : " eh.. look familiar leh.. who huh.. " then i turn to see. OHH! surprised! the tp design ger with multi colour hair i mentioned in the previous post. with the same butch i think, not too sure, didnt see her face. but like their size and height doesnt seems the same leh. emm.. then like devon was saying.. the girl look familiar.. but dont rmb where.. haha! like jari was saying.. aiyah.. dont see lerh lah.. then i was like.. "ya loh. still see!! see girl right? LOL!" hahas. devon protested with: " of cos see girl lah.. cos i find the girl familiar mahs.. " then later soon we drop the topic about them. LOL. but one to mention.. jari ask devon: " aiyah.. so the butch handsome nots.. or you more handsome.." LOL. devon replied confidently but abit shy also lah.. : "of cos i more handsome lah! lols. " hahas! well, i do agree with that. devon emm.. soo handsome. =p hee. cute bah i would say. attractive eyes.. very attractive eyes!! =))

then later shared cab with devon.. she gg to her gf place.. she specially bought bubble tea for her gf. so sweet right? lols` then like talk on the cab with her.. blah blah.. happily talking.. then later she got to go lerh. emm.. so alone in the cab to home. wah! dunno why the cab journey so long loh. buay tahan!

18june, sunday. still late for work. argh! acutally wont late de. but like stuck to comp. =X request to go off early somemore loh! LOL! cos 19june is serena's bday. my primary school till today. =)) then like cos of chalet, i couldnt pei her. soo.. make it 18june watch movie loh. so request from desmond to go off early. emm..

work ah.. today. quite alright loh.. went one trip to takashimaya to get a shirt for customer. then like kinda kanna abit sarcastic words from one of the staff there. like cos when i was there. then waiting for get the shirt, at the counter. then later the phone rings.. then like sabrinah was there doing the shirt transfer out for me. then he was like saying to sabrinah: " try to pick up the phone even though we are busy. ". she did as told. but the main point is.. cos the last time i made a trip down there. he was kinda fed up with centrepoint cos like we didnt pick up the phone. then he claimed that: " we gave customer centrepoint's number, then like u all keep nvr pick up.. then customer fed up.. wants to complain.. so please pick up the phone loh ".. then i couldnt think properly, so reply with: " eh.. orh. i tell them about it.. "

well, i know it is a bad answer lah. =X then later i went back centrepoint. then told jari. then jari said that she already told sophie( the retail manager) who was there with us that day.. then the reason given was.. cos we are too busy. and sophie also know loh. so like cant do anything lah.. if customer wants to complain. then complain loh.. we are really busy to pick up the phone what. =X emm.. yah.. that is the past lah. so like jus now the words he said to sabrinah.. i wonder if it is for her. or for me to hear.. but anyway, i left after getting the shirt. rush back to shop and gave to the customer. perspirating loh me!!

then later served a indian customer with his son and wife. wah! sian. they ask me like so how to take care of the shoe.. emm.. cos i am unsure of the boat shoe material.. well, i mean like from looking and touching.. is smooth leather lah. but like i cant and dare not cfm that it is.. then cos like everyone is busy.. so cant ask them for help.. then got the two shoe care that i deem fit. then about to take to customer, saw desmond free. so ask him. phew! it is correct. so happie =)) then like happily explain to customer. that can use the two shoe care. LOL!

then another customer bougth a pair of shoes, again ask how to take care. then since it is also smooth leather. i recommend the same one. then another question came. "so is use which one first? the leather wax or conditioner?" i was like O.O!! emm.. then the customer was like nice to me, " wanna ask your seniors to cfm? lols ". then i ask yani, and she taught me how to use it. by mixing it and use it together. so it is neither leather wax or conditioner is the first one to touch the shoe. it is together! hahas! =)) learn one more new thing! keke! at least this customer would be like those nasty customer who might jus scold me with " huh. how come u dunno.. it is ur products leh.. " and blah blah.. wah! this type, i cant stand it loh. =p

then left early at 9pm but like help out awhile more before leaving. then get back my taxi claim from desmond.. emm.. got one receipt that naz help me to hand in.. kinda lost or smthg like that.. emm.. but desmond still give me the money first and say that he can settle it. well, hope he find that receipt. if not sian 1/2 loh. hai him like that. =X and yah.. ben lai is want to celebrating serena's bday by movie. but like she watching with her friends another movie first before meeting me. so her show is like 11plus then end. emm.. no midnight shows available at tampines. only cineleisure have. so no choice. home sweet home! LOL

took the train alone then. kinda thinking that i shldnt have ask desmond to let me go early. then at least i can get free cab home. =X oops! well, it is like really nice to take cab home loh. cos like fast, and free! hahas! and most importantly, comfort! LOL! well, no cab. so take train. as i was waiting for the train.. emm.. was looking here and there as i was bored. saw people walking towards my direction, then was like O.O! when i realise one of them is.. ryan. my ex. emm.. with his gf i guess. well, think he didnt see me. or he did, but i didnt know cos i immediately look away after i saw him. then i took out my phone to keep myself busy.

well, didnt want him to see me anyway. *pray hard that he didnt* i wasnt well-dressed mahs! cos working.. then complexion aint in good condition also. and well, he might think that luckily he ditched me the last time. now, so ugly.. hahas! well, i know i like 'face'. hahas! so like cant throw face lah.. if not saded. LOL! well, but the moment i see him.. memories flowed back.. gushed my in mind.. reflash-ing the things that happened. emm.. then remind me of her. my 'friend'. our friendship. gone-. sighs. i dunno what i am feeling. but well, all this comes from my own doing also. if i didnt been so stubborn. so chi qing. things wouldnt be of today. well, in this world, there are too many 'if's.. maybe.. but what done is done. said is said. it's irreversible.

perhaps things today is better. u are happy w/o me, and so i am w/o you. though many think that it is a pity. but even if it is, there's no choice to change an irreversible fact. that it is gone. the friendship we once had. pondering... ~

ended at 4.03am. 19 june 2006. *happy bday serena!! =)) and happy belated to jason lim and zhen hao whose bday falls on 18june! =)) best wishes for you guys! keke!


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