chalet + bb ring
had centis chalet! =)) from 19juneo6 to 21juneo6. before that, had svcskmtd meeting with huiting and chelsea. but chelsea couldnt make it. so me and huiting did the poster and flyer. =)) happy with it. KEKE! then rushed off to meet derek and his daddy to book in for chalet. well, cos i am not 18 yet. and unsure anyone of 18years old is coming early. thanks for the help, derek. =)) kay and farhan with the girls came too. then later we checked in.
this time round, i am really very last minute about the preparations. i mean regarding the bbq food and stuff. cos i intend to buy on the day itself. and i literally forgot that satay and otah and seafood have to buy early de. like need ordering. thanks baofa, save the day when i called him and ask if he could get some seafood like the last time. and he could! =)) cheerios! left with satay and otah. emm.. search on the net and realise that every satay wholesaler needs at least a day in advance. cham cham!! luckily called up lee wee brothers and realise that i can buy from one of their outlet. at hougang~
so drew up the list of food for farhan they all to help me buy. =)) thanks guys! and the marinating job was theirs too!! soo please thanks lene and zhao pei and kay and farhan and derek who bought and marinated the food!!! =)) while me, went down to hougang to get the satay and otah. was kinda lost there when there is a miscommunication, they actually meant that i could get from their sales office. not the hougang outlet behind heartland mall. so went there and buy. bought nuggets, fishballs and sotongs balls from cold storage at heartland mall and went home to fry them!! using the deep fry machine. =))
i didnt really know how to operate it. cos in the past, it is always my mum or brother doing the job, while me shaking leg there waiting to eat. =X hahas! cos i am afraid of the oil. yucks! it is pain loh. but no one at home then, so me doing everything. ouch ouch, when the oil hits me. argh! i hate frying!! lols` quickly get done with it and left the house. i am extremely late. fry for about an hour plus. and dirtied the floor with oil. like very oily loh.. the floor. sorry mum! =X she has to do the clearing up after me creating the mess. thanks mummy! keke.
rushed down to chalet in a cab. then quickly get into the chalet as the satay and otah was with me. so.. bbq. eat. enjoy hearing jodin play the guitar. some played xbox in the room. =)) fun fun. and the meeboon was bought from tp's design school muslim store. thanks farhan for ordering it and jodin for bringing it there. =)) but the meehoon wasn't very popular. that it was left with more than half filled at the end of the day. bbq almost all food. except for the sotongs. and we forgot to bring in the sotongs. so in the morning, the uncle cleared up the place and threw away the sotongs as well. =X SORRY!
we played games thru' out the night. some of them played daidee in the room. asshole daidee. bluff. fishing with lex and stanford. and jodin introduced a new game, betrayal in the house on the hill. a fun and damn interesting board game. kinda addicted to it. per game, it will take about 2 hours to end. thinking game too. to conquer the traitor of the game. whenever, i play.. i am always the one starting the haunt. stupid hand. hahs! then i was once the traitor. was really afraid. cos i am alone. the traitor has to defeat the rest alone. hahas! of cos, i have the game master help. LOL. and i won. by slightly. when the game about to end, i was like one to one with maybelin. on.. throwing of dice. LOL!
it is like so tense loh. the situation. cos the rest all die lerh. left me and her. battling! hahas! i was then named the traitor. ahhas! =)) i like the game. exciting game. keke. then slept till about noon the next day. about sleeping. fun loh. lex and stanford slept as though they are symetrical to each other loh. cant stand them. then poor tat ming kinda got chased off by me and yeeping 'squashing' him. =X oops. then farhan worrying that i will kick him as he is sleeping below my feet. duno what to explain, but like if i stretch my legs, i might hit him in his tummy. LOL! we are like pros in squeezing on the beds. the place was darn small. with two super singles bed. two 'pull' out beds. then all together 4 single beds lah. on the 2 "pull out" bed, 8 people sleeping. then on the 2 single bed join together got 5 people sleeping on it. wah! amazing isnt it? a place meant for 4 or the most 6 people to sleep. we had a total of 13 people! hahas! twice ah! lols!
then later played the fishing with lex and stanford. and changed to daidee. then like funny. yeeping wanted to join in. then they kinda like bluff her. say okay. let you play the next game. but she didnt know that that is our last game. cos we wanna go out and eat lerh. lols! then she is like.. wah lao.. bluff her. then they replied: " nvr bluff u what. say let u play next game, but nvr say we are gg to play with u what. lols!! buwee her ah.. LOL.
then went to eat!! =)) yummy. with lex stanford and kay. KFC was what we eat. i am searching for death i know. i am losing my voice, yet i still eat such stuff. hahas! but who cares. after chalet then dont eat loh. lols! they were kinda surprised when i ordered a big whipped potato. hahas! =p i like to eat mahs. then later we slack and chat there. then later we went to play pool. i am bad at it. emm.. later yeeping called and told us that FOW came lerh. actually they walk past us at the KFC when we are eating. lols!
*ps. then later saw lex play arcade~ hahas. first time see him play the drum game. wah! pro sia. but also... violent. =X hahas! the way he is so serious with it. omg! first was slower.. so its okay. then later the next few songs, the song was very fast. then he began shaking cos of hitting the 'drums' scary! kinda like got fits like that. =X sorry. but it is really how we think when we saw u play. kept laughing too. hahas!
then she explained to me that they like nothing to do. then FOC ppl not interacting with them.. so like awdward situation. then later so we two started to plan what to do to help them... then at first FOW people decided to play cycling while FOC people intend to play captain's ball. so me and yeeping brought the FOW people into the chalet to put down their bags. then later saw hakim! he could join them as he cant do sports due to his knee injuries. emm. so they decided to stay in the room to watch vcd. then so we brought the soccer ball out for FOC people to play captain ball with it.
then didnt expect that they like changed their mind and wanna stay in the room also. aiyox. like that the room again flooded with people. so like try to persuade to stick to their initial plan: to play captain's ball. finally we did! success! cheerios. then so we went to pasir ris park, hoping to play there. but as it was raining jus now, the grass are very wet. doubt they would want to play. so we stayed under a shelter and slack there for a while. then spotted a group of people playing captain's ball in the aloha chalet. emm.. so we at first play play say we can go and ask if they wanna challenge with us or smthg like that. but in the end, we really did go and ask. and they allow us to join them!! =)) yeah! woo! they all look kinda like secondary schools. with like coach around lah..
lost in the first game. fun though. exercising.. muwahahas! then later was in the 2nd game. won! hahas! zhihao was like pro loh. in catching the ball. wah! then later i keep missing the ball. like keep aiming. trying to throw to kay. but keep overshot. =X sorry! i aint a good aimer. LOL! then later ask them dont pass to me to throw to kay. but farhan still throw to me. aiyax. then no choice, got to try to aim and throw. still MISSED! sighs- i am a bad aimer. LOL. then later played the 3rd game. i wasnt in already. hahas! tired liao. and my aiming so lan also. better dont hai them. lols`
then later the oppenents had to go as they had smthg on later. so the rest of us.. stayed a while playing football. penalty kicks! surely do i mish soccer. hahas! used to play soccer in primary school days. and play abit in secondary school. hahas! bad kicks. no energy. no direction. but have fun though! hahas~ then later we went back to chalet. play cards game again. then later went out to eat. foodcourt this time round. sick of fastfood! lols! after that went to arcade to play some games. then later back to chalet. =))
then later went to crash mantis chalet. their chalet at aranda from 20th to 22th. but amy isnt there. cos her ah ma funeral. emm.. then later went there to see who's there. kinda mish my ahgong. guan peng! hahas~ shouldnt have gone there. mistake ah! LOL. went there. recognised only a few of them. then later saw jimmy. hahas. long time no see. then later finally saw ahgong. then later wah! buwee me! began to tickle me. resist!!! then kinda he keep tickling me, then i try to tickle back. cos he also scare. hahas! then abit wrestling also. ahhas! then stanford and adrian and kenneth nvr help me. liews! hahs. they sit there watch show loh.
wth. hahs! then later ahgong gang up with han buwee me. 2 against one loh. liews! then later gang up with changyong. wah lao... BUWEE AH!! i am outnumbered! somemore i girl loh. liews. STOP tickling me. hahas! then later stanford help me. then later he also kanna. but not tickling. cos he not scare. he was being 'teh' at emm.. his nipple. omg! pain sia. LOL. sorry ah! hai u.. hahas! all the resist, 'fighting' away from their tickling.. very tiring loh. then somemore cos i will scream mahs. once tickle. then kinda like kanna rape loh. =X haha! so thats why i sayi made a mistake going there.
then later they play the 'teh' game with people who enter the room. hahas! poor thing. but i am not involved. cos i am a girl! =)) hahas! then later went back to centis chalet. cos wanna play betrayal. and tot they are playing there. but nvr realise they are invited to mantis chalet to use a room to play the game. fun fun.. though abit sian cos people will keep going in and out of the room. kinda like interrupt the game. cos everytime the door opens and close. it will attract our attention to turn and see.
the game was long! from 1am to 4am loh! woo! han was the traitor.. and it is about aging.. wah! hate the aging process. each time is 10years leh. but me... i didnt die cos of the aging process. is cos of a EVENT! hahas. first to die. but again, me is the one who start the haunt. lols! so 'lao kui' loh. lose face ah! die cos of event. lols!! then back to chalet cos didnt want to impose on mantis chalte further. emm.. then they continue another game back at centis chalet. while me and kiwi went to play guitar and talk talk about xin shi.. emm.. hope u are alright boi!! =)) take lotsa care. make your decision, and make it a firm one! =)) rmb to consider all possible consequences before you make a decision.
then later we both went to eat mac breakfast. yummy. but by then, we both sleepy. hahas! and ya. saw lex and ivan. they are back from club momo. they went clubbing mahs. they are in hope of finding a place to sleep. hahas! but again squeeze loh. lols` after breakfast, me and kiwi went back to chalet. then wah~ so heng ah! at the entrance there. think i saw the white shirt orange words guy. emm.. so qiao? he jus came out of the chalet exit with his friends. omg~ lols! then want to sleep. but no place. so i slept on the floor, with the bags as pillow. hee. sorry if some of your stuffs are squashed. perhaps due to my head weight. =p slept at around 6.30am to 9am. argh! late for meeting chelsea to pass her the project work. =X
faster we checked out and i rushed home to bathe and went to meet chelsea to pass her the project. thanks dad and mum for the taxi ride. =)) hee. if not i will be more late. emm.. then return the meehoon tumbler to the design school muslim stall. then rushed down to amy's ah ma funeral. emm.. was with shan. and later see wenna. then we went down to mandai.. slept on the bus.. emm.. at the viewing hall. cant resist but to tear. not really close to her ahma. but.. ever like talk to her before.. emm.. sighs-
then later had lunch back at amy place. cos like funeral then will like call ppl to cook mahs. then eat with some other people on the table. amy's relatives and blah. emm.. wah! jus a lunch. and one of her relative know that i dont eat vegetables. =X so paiseh. hee. then later amy is back, then pei her for a while. before i rush off to meet baobei shirley.
emm.. she's feeling down recently. cos of probs here and there. sighs-. then like go out with her. meet her. then went to watch she's the man. then eat bk with her. but i nvr eat lah. cos not hungry mahs. then somemore bk is fastfood. no fastfood for me now! lols` then later went to takashimaya to buy 'liang teh' emm.. herbal tea for my throat. emm. then we took the risk to see the ring that she saw and thinks its not bad. it is at wisma. so rushed there. wah! the ring is not bad ah. but dont fit me. due to my skin colour, lotsa rings dont fit loh. argh! like look ugly on me. emm.. so try a white one. like nvr see before white one mahs. so try loh. didnt expect that. whoo! not bad ah. make my hand look whiter. hahas! LOL.
soo.. better dont think so much. jus buy lah. hardly can find a ring that i think not bad, then somemore fit me de. LOL! same ring size as baobei! =)) hahas. so bought the ring. thanks bb! hee. engraved on it " S & J 30/12/04 " the assumed day that me and her became baobei. hahas! at first say wanna put baobei, then realise that jeslyn also her bb. so cant. but didnt we thought of jeslyn is also a J!! hahs! nbm lah. our dates will be different. LOL.
keke! then omg! we are late for the movie! OMG! rushed back to cine. as usual lah. we always miss the first 10mins of the show de loh. watched 'She's the man' damn nice! funny loh. hahas! kept luffing thru' out. emm.. then later went to collect our ring! =)) then she wore it on for me. hahas! but i didnt wear it on for her. =X oops. then went to see fionna mummy. very long nvr visit her lerh. but didnt see her. emm..she having her maternity leave. saw katerine (the lady boss) there mahs. then she told me the stuff. emm.. business still alright. haben been very good lah. due to many competitors.. things and designs changed to more simple due to competition and people preference..
then after that left there and waited for baobei's fren to pick her up. so we slack a while at breadtalk there. and finally i went home. emm.. played comp awhile. having a lil' debate with devon.. LOL! on what if i like her. hahas! emm.. having fun ah.. LOL! hahas. do some accounting on the chalet stuff. and sleep! =)) at around 2am plus. supposed to wake up at 730am for project meeting. but slept till 6pm!!! omg! i am a real pig. LOL. i was too tired. hahas. then later came online and slack. emm.. sorry that i pangseh adrian who supposed to meet me for lunch. =X then jasmine who i told her that i will be in school. =X really sorry guys.
lucky my group in the end nvr meet. hahas! emm.. then later went down to pass serena her bday prezzie. =)) and eat ice-cream. LOL! then later walk her back home before coming back home. lols. then now chatting again.. slack. LOL! emm..
recently, been addicted to the song.. "Hips dont lie" keep playing it and i still wont sian of it. hahas! and now i am listening to it. keke! i love this song! keke. then also many things happened to my frens. jan and ken broke up. shan and derek also. sk with some bgr prob. then amy's ah ma passed away. baobei having her own probs also. emm.. sighs- hope everything will be fine too! pray hards* dance dance like shakira.. wee!
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