lists of events
monday, 19 february 2007
it is the 2nd day of cny. went to baobei house to bai nian. whole family was waiting for me. =x for hours. =x yah. her first friend was got scolded by her sister. HAH! bad impression created. cham cham.
then we moved on to town. wanted to watch movie, but lotsa movie cant watch. as her niece is merely in 9 years old. no NC-16, no M18 shows for us. so, changed of plan. went to sing karaoke. WOOH! orchard on 2nd day of cny is very very little people wor. cos even shops are not open! LOL`
karaoke was alrights. then afterwhich, we all left for home. =)) details i couldnt rmb any. hah! all i can rmb was, i got scolded by her sister. LOL`
tuesday, 20 february 2007
HAPPIE birthday to LEELING~ muacks! haben seen her for quite some time. misses her lots.
was supposed to start studying, but didnt. argh. lazy me.
slack whole day i supposed.
wednesday, 21 february 2007 to friday, 23 february 2007
i couldnt rmb anything. lost lost.
bet i was studying a little during that time.
but concentration level was not there.
having fun most of the time. hah!
saturday, 24 february 2007
was studying. baobei joined me soon after. she did her hwk and notes. while i study for exam. shortly after, shulay came. to borrow accht past year paper things.
more prettier she became, baobei commented. AWWW!!
then she left. me and baobei continued. i couldnt resist the temptation. AHHH!!! so at night, we went to st james. i need to dance to de-stress. photos up. dragonfly~
the live band.
the exterior.
me and baobei in washroom. haha!
the four of us. baobei, me, ah bing and st.
me and baobei with ah bing.
me and baobei with st. hah! what a pose.
drink quite a bit. had lotsa fun. cos of ah bing(her classmate) existence. hah! we play 5,10, 15 game. damn keep losing. our stakes are higher each time.. first was drinking. the followed on by kiss. then by french kiss. WOOHOO! ultimate. but thank goodness, i need not french kiss with any guy. baobei help me mahs. haha!
afterall, its just a game. take it, play it. be daring. muwahha! went home early in the morning. yawns. tired. **amazingly, beeyan called to ask me accounting question, i still can answer her calmly. LOL!!
sunday, 25 february 2007
studying. for both accounting and lodging paper. stress stress. jiayou!
monday, 26 february 2007 to thursday, 1 march 2007
first paper was accounting. alrights it was. lodging was funny. all the questions, answers cant be found in the lecture notes. every one was pissed with mr nair. so do i. was kind of paper is that, man!! LOL.
3rd paper was food and beverage operations(fbops). it was direct, clear cut. regretted not only study the revision lecture. damn. already had no mood to study. holiday mood already.
4th paper. facilities management(fm) was okay. no comments. engineering subject, i have no comments. haha! 5th paper. Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions(MICE), i already cant take it anymore. nothing goes into my brain. especially after a scare the night before. meeting a girl that was sooo.. nothing to say.
finally exam is over! wanted to go loof with baobei and st(sheng tao, her classmate) to chill out. but its about to close, so after dinner at breeko in bugis, we went to chijmes. ALAMAK! dont eat the Breeko there loh. service poor, due to lack of understanding customer request. it is due to the fact that they have too many foreign labour. AIYOX. no comments.
the at chijmes, we went to a pub. i think. forgot its names. but the live band there was fun. and the vocalist was entertaining. we entertained him too! haha! too little people were in the house. saded* was tired and restless due to the lack of sleep for the past few days. drink abit nia. jiu sleepy lerh. ahhaa! me and baobei~
laid on baobei thighs and almost fell asleep. LOL! went home at almost 3am like that. with headache. kind of having fever.
friday, 2 march 2007
supposed to sing karaoke with my clique. amy, shan, sk they all.. but couldnt go, as i am losing my voice. argh. hate it. keep losing my voice.
then i went to interview at toh tuck road. a job recommended by jasmine. ben lai is gg with shan and amy de. but jas's friend over-recruit pple. then.. in the end, i alone. wei ler money, have to work loh. went there. changed the visitor pass. went up.
then yan ni, htm friend came. then we go off tgt. by the side gate. so i forgot to change my pass back! damn. then i took the train all the way to city hall to meet sk they all lerh. saw peifen. then i open my bag. then realise: " I FORGET TO CHANGE BACK MY PASS " meaning: my IC is still at toh tuck road, jurong. OHHH FCUK.
so blur loh me. went all the way back to change back the freaking pass. argh. then i dunno how to operate the side gate. then aiya. i jus look so stupid that day. took a bus to meet sk they all in esplanade. cos they wan to see the angbao river. when i almost reaching there, they said they gg to shan's house lerh.
cos raining. then all the shops closed. damn. then aiya. i dunno where to alight. then int he end, i need to walk damn freaking far to esplanade to meet them. ARGH. how sway i am man. then yah, went shan's house. played majong. cards. had fun. =)) me and shulay sleeping.
amy and wenna~ sleeping too!
slept for a mere 2 hours. 3am plus to 5am plus. then dear jasmine wake me and shulay up. OMG. she's like SM loh. scary. hahhaa! she pull my arms back. omg. my spine. haha! then finally all of us, went to tiong bahru plaza mac to eat. i had stomachache. so didnt eat. not feeling well. then i wanted to take train from there to home. BUT......
my dear HandPhone is left at shan's house. so smart! alamak. in the end, went back her house. shulay also, forget to get her contact lens. haha! then back to home. =))
saturday, 3 march 2007
yah. back from shan's house. early morning. and went to sleep. yawns*
ben lai gg to town with jason to help him get the shoes. but... i'm too tired. and cos of timing not fit ah.. so i slept abit longer.
then woke up. went to meet my secondary school friends! the clique of my secondary school friends. meet them at tampines. shopped for ingredients for the steamboat. then went to weichong's house to eat. since it is still cny. we got to bring oranges to bai nian. then me and jeslyn are the last two to wash our feet. then the few guys has already give the oranges to weichong's papa.
when we two are done, his papa went into the room. alamak! then we both sha sha de wait outside the room for him to come out. haha! after that, finally he changed and come out. distribute ang bao. haha! then we two can give him oranges loh.
**p.s. my house no more oranges loh! my mummy eat finish before the end of cny. -.-" so xr help me bring. lols.
then had a quick steamboat dinner with them. and went off to meet shirley. **sorry guys, but i already have a date with her. =x
took train down. and met her. she took cab loh. pro sia. then we went to hooters to eat. got to queue sia. why? cos it is a saturday. and got SOCCER match!! man utd vs. liverpool! lol. wah! exciting loh, the game. liverpool damn strong. then man utd last minute 90min score! wah!! so heng sia. LOL!
after the game, then we proceed to meet her friend, taro. taro brought his friends and sister as well. WAH! his sister figure damn good loh! AWWW!! it is the waist that i want sia. wah lao.. damn thin. LOL. then we all went into MOS. my first time in there. then stupid me, go club, inside bag got herbal tea. hahaha!
kanna confiscated. LOL. damn funny loh. go club, bring herbal tea in bag. haha! then we all went in. crowd was alright at first, as time goes... more and more pple. wah! full sia. emm.. then we dance and dance. no much of drinking.
then ohh.. met jiaqi's friend. that time, i went club momo with jiaqi, she brought a friend with her. Dorven. then yah, met him. so qiao. then yah, didnt bother much about him. soon later, a guy wanted to get our numbers, wah lao. so chicken loh him. want to get number, ask friend to help get. -.-"" loser. =x gave him baobei's number only. LOL! reason given: "if you can find her, u cfm can find me. " LOL! good excuse right? haha!
then one guy. more funny. i dancing with baobei. then later she was talking to taro. then this guy approach me and ask me if i wanna dance with him? then i reply: " HUH? ".
then he ask again: " emm.. you wanna drink? " (holding a glass of drink, tilting towards me)
i reply: " HUH? eh. dun wan lah. " lols.
and he left. this guy hor. when he tilt the drink. alamak! almost drip loh. LOL! yah, then dance dance with baobei.. then with taro. haha! damn funny loh. he trying to learn how to dance, and at the same time slowly bent the knees and go down.. then slowly go up again. hahhaa! then he anyhow anyhow loh. aiyox. damn funny.
and yah, spotted a handsome bung that night! but the gf not pretty. haha! bad bad me. but true mahs. and spotted a lonely ang mo dancing alone. then hours later, got two babes dance with him. then, realise WAH! they ah gua lai de. LOL~ =x sorry, no offences.
and yah, left MOS at 5am like that. then went to liang court to withdraw money. but cant enter the building. then pass by Macdonalds.. then spotted my friend. my primary school friend, keegan. so qiao loh! hahas` he also went to MOS jus now. lols`
yah, afterwhich, back to baobei's home. showered and sleep.
sunday, 4 march 2007
wooh! we both woke up at 4plus. wanted to watch fireworks. then we both drag drag drag.. till we cant make it in time for fireworks. damn. but.. i still got my facial.. awww! shiok. haha!
thanks baobei for it. =)) grins* my face is under ur care ler wor. bleahs! then we both went to watch movie. hannibal rising. WOOHOO! i like the storyline.. but, i think it is not er xin enuff. LOL! like.. not much of the gore scenes lah.. emm.. can watch. =))
then went home. use computer. then sleep. LOL.
monday, 5 march 2007
sent baobei to school. then spotted this!
the insect~ eeeee.
then went to search for jobs with sk, adeline and beeyan. and beeyan's brother. =)) the five of us, went to international plaza and 'shopped' the employment agencies there. haha!
tiring day. but.. yah, it was okay. then baobei join us after her classes.. but she's not really looking for a job currently. then yah..
after we are finally done, we two went to bugis. cos i want to go bai bai at the temple. the bugis temple. long time since i went there. been sway lately, better go there. haha!
then after that, went to pasir ris. AWWW! my old hometown. i miss there loh. i miss everything about there. the people. the place. and the environment. my home. sobs! then yah, had swensens. then went to look for vanessa.. she dyed her hair. red and purple highlight.. LOL!
and. she look fatter leh! LOL` somehow or rather. she look more chubby lerh. rounder. hahha! then kept teasing her about it. LOLs. then went to pasir ris park. miss there lots. alot of things changed. the pathway. the bbq pits gone. those of memories to me. ahh!!!! i really miss pasir ris lots.
went to play swing. then i stopped and stand there. see baobei play. wah lao. then i feel pain. DAMN IT. so many red ants there. argh! then i kick my slipper away. run around. scream. yah, so throw face. damn. then luckily later baobei save me. =)) my SAVIOR~ lols
then went to sit at the rocks. feel the sea breeze. awww!! i miss here so much.. that... i tear a little. SIGHS. why i shifted? why? all my childhood memories are here! from k2 to poly year 2. hais. but.. already shifted liao. what to do... sobs.
then took a bus back to interchange.
went to meet devon and yani they all. it's timberland centrepoint team chalet. went down. played games. had fun during game. and yah.. afterwhich, play truth or dare game. but no dare involved. only truth. hais.
bad game. it make pple breakdown easily. not me. but others.
secrets leaked out. and yah, awdwardness.
game ended. left there and went to vanessa's house.
packed her damn room. so messy, bth that i packed her room. haha! then hungry lerh, went downstairs elias mall buy food eat. then back to her home. watch vcd.. and washed face want to sleep. the vcd kinda funny lah. not bad. LOL!
however, i still cant sleep. then yah... in the end, slept early in the morning at 7am plus.
tuesday, 06 march 2007
woke up at 1030am. slept for about 3 hours at most. then changed and went for training at boon lay. from pasir ris to boon lay. WOOH! sleep in the train. lols`
was very late for training. went in with yan ni. then yah, changed in the the damn outfit that is.. sooo ALAMAK! colour mismatch. skirt too long. LOL! then finally, it ended at 3pm. went to meet baobei. accompany her make passport.
but.. QUEUE closed. damn it.had to come another day. -.-"" then we went to wisma to eat teppanyaki. our first meal of the day. yummy yummy~
then walked around and home sweet home.
my dear poly clique. thanks u guys for ur concern. i know u guys are worried for me. as like, recently i went clubbing and stuff like that. dont worry. i'm be fine. =)) grins*
and. i know that some things happened and stuff. but i dunno what things happen. but, i wont enquire much also. but hope u guys are getting along fine. emotional esp. =))
as for the dear friends, whom are concerned abt me. again, like waht i say.. i'm fine. i club cos i jus wanna dance. to de-stress myself. =)) i'll be fine. there's baobei to take care of me. no worries. =))
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